
Read along as I try to gourmand my way through lockdown.

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Day #something or other

Stuff is going to get weird and time travelly now… Day #33 was shopping day. That meant eating whatever the fuck I like and that was Kip in de hoed. This meant I had puff pastry left but I don’t own a freezer. To use up the last of the puff pastry I made salmon…

Day #33: HIGH-END ABOMINATION Kip in de hoed

On shopping day I eat the most delicious things… Shopping day is the one opportunity in lockdown we all have to eat whatever we like, not whatever’s left in the fridge. On my third haul, the thing I wanted to eat was Kip in de hoed. A pal has taken up sending me pictures of…

Day #33: Stocking up – a new strategy

I’ve been doing it wrong all along… For shopping day I decided to do things a little differently. Instead of going to the supermarket for one big haul, I went to several smaller shops today: the baker’s, the butcher’s, a small North African greengrocer’s and a dairy shop. I wasn’t sure if this was a…

Days #26 up to #32, pretty much

This is where creativity becomes boring… People. If I may give you one piece of advice for this and all future pandemics: buy anchovies. One of the best choices I made on my first haul was to invest in a tiny jar of anchovies in oil and a tiny jar of capers in brine. They…

Slowly losing track of the days

Because this thing is going to last a lot longer than I thought… When I went for my first haul and got enough food to get me through two weeks, I was convinced deep down inside that I was going to do that once or twice more, and that would be the end of it.…

Day #25: ABOMINATION #2!

Drifting steadily towards the culinary pits… The video says it all, really. Quantities, as ever, completely up to your own judgement: about 75gr of bacon some leftover sauerkraut 1 red pepper a small tin of lentils a few centimeters of smoked sausage 1 tsp black mustard seed a dash of tabasco some chili flakes one…

Day #24: grilled veg in a hurry

Day #24 had been a very productive day food-wise. In the evening I had a digital pub quiz on the programme. For dinner something simple would have to do. At this point I was nearing the end of my fresh veg from haul #2, and the veg itself was nearing the end of its edibility.…

Day #24 BONUS: accidental crumpets!

Happy little accidents… I made a bunch of batter that was meant to be dough for my loaf of bread. As I have insisted many times before, binning anything is always strictly forbidden, and flour is now scarce so binning flour-based anything is especially forbidden. No matter, I can just use batter to make pancakes,…

Day #24: Bread!

Getting creative now that there’s no flour to be had… Sometimes I bake my own bread. It’s sort of a fun activity and I like having thick slices of fresh bread, what can I say. I don’t know why I enjoy the activity so much, because I actually use a cheat recipe. All the typical…

Day #23: carbonara

Right, I couldn’t be arsed updating the blog for a while. So I didn’t. But now I can and I’m back! For day #23, you’re getting a video. For 1, use: 1 egg about 75gr bacon some grated parmesan or grana padano (I’m sure this is blasphemy but I don’t really care at this point,…

Day #22: ABOMINATION #1!

Not sure if ‘creative’ still applies, at this point it’s just getting weird… As mentioned, I’m really starting to run low on the ingredients here. I tend to buy ingredients more or less strategically, getting stuff that is versatile and that I can use for different dishes. That works for quite some time but having…

A new series: ABOMINATIONS

Because at this point, I really am running low on ingredients… This whole thing started because I thought it would be interesting to see how creative I would get if my access to ingredients was restricted. What I did not imagine for a minute was that maybe at some point I would start to feel…

Day #21: sauerkraut and old potatoes

Because apparently you can’t think of everything beforehand… I thought I was so clever. One of the things I got on my first haul was a bag of sauerkraut, a pack of bacon lardons and a vacuum packed smoked sausage. All things that you can keep for a good few weeks before they’ll go off,…

Day #19 & #20: aubergine curry and some musings

Because some things just don’t make any sense and now is the time to overthink those… On day #19 I made aubergine curry again so no recipe today, but I do have something I want to muse about here. See, there’s a thing that I’ve never understood: In recipes that involve chillies, the instructions are…

Day #18: carrot soup

Because having soup on Sundays is just awesome At some point I think I said something about getting carrots in my first haul because they don’t go off very fast and you can keep them forever. Right? Damn right, because it was on day #18 that I decided the carrots were at death’s door and…

Day #18 BONUS: Turkish eggs (çılbır, sorta)

Making the best out of a bad situation… One thing about this whole pandemic that I don’t actually mind is that it’s giving me a unique opportunity to butcher other nations’ traditional dishes. I don’t plan every meal that I want ahead, I just buy food that is versatile enough that I can probably make…

Day #17: vegetarian hungover junkfood

These are the days I’m happiest with my cooking skills… Inevitably, on Saturday after day #16, I was feeling a bit rough. Not hungover like last week, not actually bad. There’s just this funny hungover feeling I get, not necessarily even unpleasant, it’s just the sign of a good time the night before. Just a…

Day #16: drunk salad with roast veg

It’s confirmed: I’m unable to not get drunk on Fridays It’s funny how corona has radically changed our lives, but it’s completely unable to alter certain little things. On Friday I was invited to someone else’s after work drinks on Google hangouts, where I stuck around too long and drank too much so that dinner…

The saga of the corked wine and the corkscrew

When you’ve got food and loo roll covered, you start worrying about secondary needs… Having moved into a new apartment only a few weeks before this whole isolation business started, I’m still missing a few essential household items. Some are things I actually quite miss having, such as a sofa, other things would just be…

Day #15: stuffed peppers

There’s just something about hollow vegetables that screams ‘stuff us’, isn’t there? Sorry, wording. That sounded filthy. But you know what I mean, I’m sure. Anyway, on day #15 I felt like having lentils and I thought stuffing some peppers with a mix of lentils, nuts and other veg would make a good dinner. (It…

Day #14: random vegetables

Because even I don’t always feel like coming up with something worth writing about… Sometimes I just can’t really be bothered with cooking. Or mostly, sometimes I can’t come up with thinking of something creative. Day #14 was a day like that, so I just made some potato wedges in the oven, sautéed some more…

Day #13: laundry-day noodles

Because at this point I’d mastered the art of keeping 1.5m distance, anyway… On day #13 my laundry situation was becoming a bit dire. Thankfully, as I wrote, my pal let me use her washing machine and dryer for an afternoon whilst she hid in her study. I washed my hands first thing after I…

Day #12: pasta and endive

Day #1 of my fresh new haul… So as I wrote, I cheated and started anew on day #12 with a whole bunch of fresh vegetables. However, I also had half a tin of peeled tomatoes in the fridge that was left after last week’s burritos, so I had to use that up or risk…

Stocking up: the second haul

Giving in to the collective panic… As many people, I am in a whatsapp group that is devoted exclusively to discussing anything corona. Normally I wouldn’t be interested, but the people in the group are pretty funny, which means it’s mostly sharing memes and generally making light of the situation. I enjoy this because sometimes…


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